Monday, January 28, 2013

Tapping the A button to become Radioactive

I wish I had a nugget of wisdom to impart today but my time has been spent focusing on....well me!  If you ever played Mike Tyson’s punch out as a kid, you will remember that when you are knocked down, you have to repeatedly hit the controller buttons at a rapid rate to give your guy enough energy to stand up again. It was tedious and nervewracking to continually tap that button and watch the energy meter barely come up above zero.  The same is true for real life!  After being so depleted for so long, I’ve spent all of January focused on replenishing.  Many fun days and nights filled with friends and family.  I’ve been emailing with a few seemingly nice guys but nothing has materialized and I’m good with that for now.

In the spirit of sharing things that you find awesome (and please feel free to share back!), this song is perfect for right now - Imagine Dragons, "Radioactive":


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