To follow up from ‘Creating an Opening’, the guy that I tried to create an opening to ask me out never did :( However, his loss is my good fortune because a few new ones entered on to the scene:
Tinder Date #5: Helicopter Guy - I went out for a drink with a very cute ex-Navy, now helicopter technician. We met last night, at a time later than what was comfortable for him (because of his early start to his next work day), but the only time I could meet was later on because it was my quality time day with Grace. He said that was much more important and agreed to meet later, which I greatly appreciated. When he walked in, he was much cuter than his pics (which were cute to start with) and he was incredibly nice. He has that midwest casual charm and is super chatty (even more than me which is hard to believe.) Quick witted and endearingly dorky (he says ‘anywho’ and it comes off cute!), I was thoroughly entertained the entire time. When we walked out, he leaned in for what I thought was a hug and stole a quick kiss. At first I thought “oh!”, then I thought “ooohhhhh!” He texted me when he got home to say he had a great time and asked me out again, taking my first available day this week!
Tinder Date #6: Cancellation Guy: Last week I agreed to meet a data analyst for drinks this Tuesday. I thought he was worth the time & effort so I booked a babysitter and blocked my night. The end of the week got crazy between work, taking Grace swimming in my mom’s newly opened pool, hanging out with friends and building in some much needed QT with myself! As a result, emailing online-dating guys quickly dropped down my priority list. Last night he emailed and cancelled our date, saying that communication is key and it dropped off too much at the end of the week. I was really annoyed! I booked a babysitter and agreed to leave Grace to meet this person for a drink - apparently that was not enough of a commitment! I’m so glad he canceled because it would have been a waste of time. After looking back over our communication, I saw that it only lapsed for 36 hours when I didn’t write back to him, and if he’s going to freak out from a 36 hour lag in response from someone he’s never met - then he’s not someone I care to invest my time in. Luckily, I still had the babysitter booked so when Helicopter Guy asked me out again, I had Tuesday night available!