Monday, June 24, 2013

Ghosts of Summers Past

If I’ve been looking for a cosmic sign to reassure myself that I’m neither broken nor past my expiration date, then it came this weekend in the form of a parade of former flings!  I went to the beach for less than 24 hours and ran into:

Hot Hair - whom I haven’t and barely heard from since we hung out over Memorial Day. He gave me a wink (perhaps a ‘I hung out with you and dropped off the radar’, though more likely ‘you are looking cute, see you later).  I did not see him later because he didn’t make it out but we did exchange a few texts which reinforced a few things: a) gosh is he cute b) gosh is he flaky and c) he is not dating material and it’s time that I listen to my more evolved instincts and move on!

The Teacher - flashback to February and The Teacher from At the time, he was freshly out of a relationship and tried to hit up the dating scene too soon. It was great to see him and we agreed to meet up for a drink sometime....just as friends.

Mr. Nice Guy - (see August 2012).  Still nice as ever, we had a fun, witty exchange and followed with a few texts. I could foresee a possible hang out in the future....just as friends.

What did I take away from this whirlwind of Ghosts of Summers Past?  I’ve spent so much time being hard on myself and repeating some awful thoughts and theories that only exist in my nightmares, not in reality. When I pull out all of the positives (like being warmly greeted by 3 past flings) the story takes a totally different shape!

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